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Showing posts from December, 2013

Azam untuk turunkan berat badan I

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim .. Diriwayatkan daripada Umar r.a.,beliau berkata: “saya mendengar Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: “Sesungguhnya segala amalan hanyalah dengan niat. Sesungguhnya untuk setiap orang hanyalah apa yang dia niatkan. Oleh itu sesiapa yang hijrahnya adalah kerana Allah  dan Rasul-Nya, maka hijrahnya adalah kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Sesiapa yang hijrahnya kerana dunia yang akan diperolehinya atau perempuan yang akan dikahwnininya, maka hijrahnya adalah kepada tujuan dia berhijrah tersebut.” Hadith riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim Hadith ini adalah salah satu daripada beberapa hadith yang menjadi paksi kepada agama Islam. Amat penting bagi kita memahami dan mempraktikkan hadith ini. Moga Allah beri kite kekuatan untuk memahami agama-Nya in shaa Allah.  emmmm... bila kita ingin memulakan sesuatu apakah niat kita? contohnya ramai yang ingin menurunkan berat badan.. tetapi kenapa kita nak mendapat berat badan ideal?...  adakah ker

Kebaikan Omega guard untuk kanak-kanak ADHD dan masalah pembelajaran

Evidence of omega-3 related to Developmental Coordination Disorder/Dyspraxia & Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Omega-3 DHA and EPA for  Cognition, Behavior, and Mood: Clinical Findings and Structural- Functional Synergies with Cell  Membrane Phospholipids ( Kidd 2007 ) A double-blind RCT was conducted on 117 children ages 5-12, using a mixed omega-3/omega-6 supplement versus an olive oil placebo. ( Freeman, Hibbeln et al. 2006 ) The supplement was 80-percent fish oil and 20-percent evening primrose oil, with a 4:1 omega-3 to omega-6 ratio. The total daily dose provided 174 mg DHA, 558 mg EPA, and 60 mg omega-6 gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), plus 9.6 mg d-alpha tocopherol.  Although the trial found no significant improvement in motor skills after three months, the researchers did report significant improvements in other areas .   The children who received the omega-3/omega-6 supplement showed 3 times the normal expected gain in reading skills and twice

Kepentingan omega guard untuk pertumbuhan otak kanak-kanak

Omega-3s in Childhood Brain Development ( Kidd 2007 ) During the last trimester of fetal life and the first two years of childhood, the brain undergoes a period of rapid growth – the “brain growth spurt.” Nutrient insufficiency during this period can compromise brain function. DHA is one nutrient absolutely required for the development of the sensory, perceptual, cognitive, and motor neural systems during the brain growth spurt. EPA’s importance for the brain’s development in utero is unclear, but colostrum and breast milk contain EPA, albeit in lesser amounts than DHA. The fundamental importance of DHA for brain development is beyond dispute. The neurons are continually forming axons and dendritic extensions with accompanying cell membranes. Growing membrane must be relatively fluid, and DHA is the most fluidizing element in cell membranes. Even the synapses that are the primary functional units of brain circuits are made from membranes preferentially enriched in D

Risiko penyakit tidak berjangkit

Adakah kita berisiko tinggi untuk mengidap penyakit kronik ?R Bagaimanakan keadaaan orang di Malaysia sekarang?.. adakah kite berisiko tinggi untuk mendapat penyakit tidak berjangkit seperti kencing manis, darah tinggi dan lain-lain.. cuba lihat table ini.. Ini adalah finding daripada NCD Survey yang dibuat oleh KKM pada tahun 2005.  Important findings: 1.    hampir 50% rakyat Malaysia mengalami obesiti. 2.    72.8% tidak makan sayur dan buah-buahan seperti yang disarankan untuk keperluan nutrisi yang sempurna  3.    60% adalah tidak aktif secara fizikal adakah kite termasuk dalam golongan ini???? pernahkan kite fikir secara mendalam kenapa kite termasuk dalam golongan tersebut?.. adakah kerana kita tidak tahu kite perlu makan sayur?..tak suka makan sayur?.. sayur tak sedap?... hmm.. mungkin banyak lagi alasan.. tapi dalam keadaaan kite hari ini, dalam kesibukan kite bekerja pejabat atau di hospital, pilihan makanan kite amat terhad. kite akan makan di

Metabolic Syndrome

What is metabolic syndrome? A cluster of risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus, which occur together more often than by chance alone. The risk factors include ·         raised blood pressure, ·     dyslipidemia (raised triglycerides and lowered high-density lipoprotein cholesterol), ·         raised fasting glucose, ·         central obesity. How to diagnose? Various diagnostic criteria have been proposed by different organizations over the past decade. Most recently, these have come from the ·         International Diabetes Federation ·         American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. The main difference concerns the measure for central obesity, with this being an obligatory component in the International Diabetes Federation definition, lower than in the American Heart Association/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute criteria, and ethnic specific. Three abnormal findings out of 5 would qualify

Kekurangan mineral zinc

Zinc deficiency occurs from not eating enough zinc-rich foods. Zinc is found in large concentrations in meat, some seafood—oysters contain the largest concentration of all known foods—and dairy. Whole grains and legumes contain zinc, but it is bound to phytates in these plant-based foods, making the zinc inaccessible by the body. Symptom kekurangan Zinc  Low zinc will produce an altered sense of taste leading to  cravings of saltier, sweeter food. diarrhea, low energy, chronic fatigue,  infertility,  poor immunity,  bad memory,  inability to focus,  symptom lain: ADD symptoms,  slow wound healing,  nerve dysfunction Take note that symptoms may be present, but because they are so diverse and associated with other health conditions, it’s often hard to make the link to zinc deficiency without a test.  read more: kelebihan zinc  for updates on new entry, boleh like FB Page Let us be healthy